All bloggers and website owners want more traffic, regardless of how much they currently receive. In recent years social media marketing has become a popular and effective practice for many bloggers. Still, even with some getting excellent results from social media marketing (SMM), many others have not adopted SMM as a promotional method of their own.
1. Huge Traffic Potential
The potential for virtually limitless traffic is probably the biggest draw for social media marketing. Sure, there are lots of other ways you can market a website, but there aren’t other ways to get the huge amount of traffic in a short period of time that you can get through effective SMM.
2. Search Engine Optimization
SMM works hand-in hand with SEO. Many social media marketers use SMM to build links to their sites so that their search engine rankings will increase as a result. In-bound links are extremely valuable for SEO, so the two naturally fit together.
If your post does well with social media you will get the links from the social media sites themselves, plus it will likely draw links from other bloggers as a result of the exposure it has received. This is a great low-cost way to build links.
3. Viral Potential
Some of the best social media content will be passed around by thousands of users of various social media sites. You may promote your content in one place, but others may pick it up and pass it around the web without any additional effort on your part.
The viral nature of social media marketing means that there is plenty of potential for leveraging your effort into incredible results. Of course, on the very best content will go viral, but for those who can achieve it, the results will be hard to top.
4. Huge Potential Audience
Social media sites like Digg, Twitter and Facebook continue to grow, and the potential audience for social media marketers keeps growing as well. Just about any site can find a targeted audience of social media users.
Part of marketing a website or blog is getting it in front of a large number of targeted visitors. With social media that audience will not always be extremely targeted, but it can be very large.
5. It’s Free!
Want to market your site on a budget (or no budget at all!)? SMM is a great choice because it gives you plenty of potential and no need to spend money. Yes, you can hire a marketer if you want to, but you can also do it on your own.
If you do want to hire someone to help with SMM, chances are, you will still spend less than you will for other types of marketing, and you’ll get more bang for your buck.
6. Networking Potential
Social media marketing is social – I know that’s a big surprise. With all the attention on traffic and exposure it’s easy to overlook the potential to meet and connect with other bloggers and social media uses. You will likely find that the networking aspect will be equally as beneficial as the traffic that you receive directly from the social media sites.
Tags: blog marketing, internet, internet marketing, marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, smm, social media marketing, website marketing, websites
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 30th, 2009 at 12:55 am and is filed under SEO. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Friday, July 31, 2009
6 Reasons to Market Your Website with Social Media
7 tips for effective listening: productive listening does not occur naturally. It requires hard work and practice - Back To Basics - effective listeni
TO BE SUCCESSFUL AT THEIR job, internal auditors must be able to write, speak, and listen effectively. Of these three skills, effective listening may be the most crucial because auditors are required to do it so often. Unfortunately, listening also may be the most difficult skill to master.
Effective listening is challenging, in part, because people often are more focused on what they're saying than on what they're hearing in return. According to a recent study by the Harvard Business Review, people think the voice mail they send is more important than the voice mail they receive. Generally, senders think that their message is more helpful and urgent than do the people who receive it.
Additionally, listening is difficult because people don't work as hard at it as they should. Listening seems to occur so naturally that putting a lot of effort into it doesn't seem necessary. However, hard work and effort is exactly what effective listening requires.
Internal auditors must listen to explanations, rationales, and defenses of financial practices and procedures. They are constantly communicating with fellow employees whose backgrounds range from accounting to finance to marketing to information systems. In addition, explanations by fellow employees of any "unusual" practices often pose a significant challenge to an internal auditor's listening skills. Auditors can use the following techniques to improve these skills.
1. CONCENTRATE ON WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. When listening to someone, do you often find yourself thinking about a job or task that is nearing deadline or an important family matter? In the middle of a conversation, do you sometimes realize that you haven't heard a word the other person has said? Most individuals speak at the rate of 175 to 200 words per minute. However, research suggests that we are very capable of listening and processing words at the rate of 600 to 1,000 words per minute. An internal auditor's job today is very fast and complex, and because the brain does not use all of its capacity when listening, an auditor's mind may drift to thinking of further questions or explanations rather than listening to the message at hand. This unused brainpower can be a barrier to effective listening, causing the auditor to miss or misinterpret what others are saying. It is important for internal auditors to actively concentrate on what others are saying so that effective communication can occur.
2. SEND THE NONVERBAL MESSAGE THAT YOU ARE LISTENING. When someone is talking to you, do you maintain eye contact with that person? Do you show the speaker you are listening by nodding your head? Does your body language transmit the message that you are listening? Are you leaning forward and not using your hands to play with things? Most communication experts agree that nonverbal messages can be three times as powerful as verbal messages. Effective communication becomes difficult anytime you send a nonverbal message that you're not really listening.
3. AVOID EARLY EVALUATIONS. When listening, do you often make immediate judgments about what the speaker is saying? Do you assume or guess what the speaker is going to say next? Do you sometimes discover later that you failed to interpret correctly what the speaker was telling you? Because a listener can listen at a faster rate than most speakers talk, there is a tendency to evaluate too quickly. That tendency is perhaps the greatest barrier to effective listening. It is especially important to avoid early evaluations when listening to a person with whom you disagree. When listeners begin to disagree with a sender's message, they tend to misinterpret the remaining information and distort its intended meaning so that it is consistent with their own beliefs.
4. AVOID GETTING DEFENSIVE. Do you ever take what another person says personally when what her or she is saying is not meant to be personal? Do you ever become angry at what another person says? Careful listening does not mean that you will always agree with the other party's point of view, but it does mean that you will try to listen to what the other person is saying without becoming overly defensive. Too much time spent explaining, elaborating, and defending your decision or position is a sure sign that you are not listening. This is because your role has changed from one of listening to a role of convincing others they are wrong. After listening to a position or suggestion with which you disagree, simply respond with something like, "I understand your point. We just disagree on this one." Effective listeners can listen calmly to another person even when that person is offering unjust criticism.
5. PRACTICE PARAPHRASING. Paraphrasing is the art of putting into your own words what you thought you heard and saying it back to the sender. For example, a subordinate might say: "You have been unfair to rate me so low on my performance appraisal. You have rated me lower than Jim. I can do the job better than him, and I've been here longer." A paraphrased response might be: "I can see that you are upset about your rating. You think it was unfair for me to rate you as I did." Paraphrasing is a great technique for improving your listening and problem-solving skills. First, you have to listen very carefully if you are going to accurately paraphrase what you heard. Second, the paraphrasing response will clarify for the sender that his or her message was correctly received and encourage the sender to expand on what he or she is trying to communicate.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How Filtering Browsing
As a medium that allows unlimited access, the Internet is not protected from the negative that can harm users. This needs to be addressed and in understanding wisely. Activities including browsing the Internet should be given attention. Supervision and without adequate understanding, someone who he can not quite lost in the wilderness site that is not worth see in , such as pornographic sites and sites that contain violence.
These are by various parties, including the producers of software, one microsoft. Microsoft insert a filter mechanism in the crawl for them to stamp content-specific content. Next steps - steps:
1. Click "Control Panel"> "Internet Options"> "content". Click the "enable", then select "approved site"
2. You can type the site's main site that you want to block in the column under the heading is "allow this website" and press the "never".
Microsoft has this mechanism in such ancient, so if you have children who are smart and we should not
concerned wiliness our children.
This mechanism can be done easily, with the explorers such as the second. In addition there is an opportunity filtering model will stop this activity you are roaming in total, in the queue you can not open all sites at all.
If you want to do content filtering in this serious, you can try some software that really in the allotment for it with the search for the search engine.
Basically, the best filter is a community of parents and children, where parents give the child understanding on matters worse both on the internet, and all the consequences that will be in the face when a child violates the agreement
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
what's in a name
"what's in a name"
expression in a drama Shakespeare, Romeo and juliet often people used to say how a name is not important, what about the term in the IT world, it's on you?
derived from the word "Dobe Creek" a name taken from the river behind the house founders John Warnock
Apple Computers
The name is created, Steve Jobs has not yet received the name of the company entry staff sari, chance at the same time that he was eating an apple.
This name comes from the name of the creator Dr. Michael Cowpland. Corel's own abbreviation Cowpland Research Laboratory.
The name is derived from the word farce of much information that can be searched by searchengine, the term is "Googola" which means the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. creator that Sergey Brin and Larry Page it was to give the achievements of this project to investors, and they successfully get the funds in the form of a check that is addressed to "google"
The name is found by Jonathan Swift and used in a book titled "gulliver's Travels", which means that a person is menjijikan and act like humans
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Optimize the BODY tag
Body tags are very important benefits dal am SEO. For that you need to really consider making this BODY tag.
1. Link: write the link in accordance with what the web page dituju. You may provide a link with long provided that truly represents the web page that dituju. The word "Click HERE" certainly less good than the "Psychology Re ¬ sources" for example, if you want to describe a world of psychology. URL. a beautiful course also more interesting than the URL of the rigid, in WordPress, you can Activate the URL with a beautiful change in the Options.
2. Content: As has been described Previously, create good content, and not do in the wild so that the indexing is considered spam. The text more understandable by search engines so you need to use berimprovisasi ¬ compared to the images.
3. Pictures: If you use images, give the value of the alt = "" URL of image is good, that really describes the picture. This is because search engines only rate based on size. resolution and the value of the alt.
4. Flash: If you do not need too, do not use flash animation because search engines can not index flash. So the links in the flash it is difficult to see by search engines.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Welcome Lestari Blog Koe
welcome you are in the room, you can safely cut through this page, in any room, you can have it, it's up to you free, I hope you will stand in this room, if you want to exit this room does not have one you leave a message so that we host it easy to find you. survivors enjoy
Microsoft Office - How Alternative Opening Context Menu
During this time, to open the context menu, you must click the right mouse. In Microsoft Word, for example, you can select some text and click on the right. Context menu will appear with a variety of option in it to the needs of your document, such as copy, move, compress, and many more. What if when you edit the text and then suddenly your mouse is not responding? How do I create the context menu?
You can still open the context menu in other ways. There is no mouse cursor, you can use the keyboard. This little trick applies to all programs that exist in the Microsoft Office package. Use of alternative ways this can actually add a sense of comfort in the edit. Why? Typically, most people focus only when editing the buttons on the keyboard. Therefore, when you edit a document, try selecting some text that is in it. Then, without having to hold the mouse, you press the key combination [Shift] + [F10]. " See the results. You can select the option in the context menu by using the arrow keys up or down arrow. To agree, press "Enter". Easy is not it?
Desmal.Andi @
Thursday, July 9, 2009
STEP - STEP AND TIPS PC Troubleshooting
In the era of the modern self is not excessive if
said that the computer is a tool that most people bantu
quickly and accurately. But I also like the other machine,
computer can also fail in the function.
Problems caused by the computer is sometimes
small problems that do not require a high level of knowledge
on the computer. To complete it, may be
completed by a man who has very basic knowledge
on the computer. But sometimes a problem-msalah also
requires a high level of ability on the computer and
components so that engineers need a special
for improvement.
A main task is to identify qualified PC components
failed to function. "Troubleshooter" using all the equipment
required and the human ability to think, to search for and
improve the components that failed to work.
No Need Antivirus Update Frequently
JAKARTA, Monday- Each time, the computer virus is never boring threatening your system. Therefore we are always advised to update anti-virus used.
But the update may not need to be done too often. If the antivirus can not detect new threats proactively, which updates every hour even, not necessarily effective to protect the system. Moreover, there is always a pause time, when the computer is not protected.
To provide continuing protection, said Yudhi Kukuh (Technical Security Consultant, ESET Australia), that is needed is the ability to recognize early warning symptoms in the (not only the form of) a new threat. Generic detection capability, or heuristik is very useful to detect current threats that often are polymorphic, such as Conficker.
Precisely this ability heuristik antivirus Eset security. However Eset is ThreatSense Technology with the powerful? View reports only AV-Comparatives (
In the Proactive / Restrospective Test the AV-Comparatives held in May 2009, 16 antivirus products - including Eset - tested using the latest update on 9 February 2009 with the highest detection settings (highest detection settings). For a sample, use or threat of new viruses that appear between 9 - 16 February 2009. The result, Eset False Positive few notes, and Detection Rate Proactive Heuristics or the ability to identify new threats 56% - far more superior than a dozen other products tested at the same time.
During the first semester this year, Eset indeed successfully reach predicate to Main Advanced + Test that was held three months. Main Test consists of On-Demand Detection of Malicious Software (February 2009) and Proactive / Restrospective Test (May 2009). Proactive / Restrospective Test test itself is very unique and most are the ability to see an antivirus scanner in detecting new threats.
By AV-Comparatives, Eset has dinobatkan as "The Best Antivirus" for two consecutive years.
"Consistency in the quality of antivirus technology, the main role in the performance of the resulting protection. ESET through NOD32 Antivirus has proven staminanya. Note to Proactive / Restrospective Test since February 2004 showed Eset always reach Advanced +, even once stated as the only antivirus product to reach the Advanced + in 2008 (November). The fact is the stabilizing presence ESET as a computer security system in Indonesia, "Yudhi firm.
At this time, add Maryanto Chrissie (Marketing Communications, Eset Indonesia), Eset Dilirik many national and multinational corporations in the country. "Eset Smart Security which includes the NOD32 Antivirus + Anti Spam + Advanced Personal Firewall Version 4 started a favorite choice because of its ability in providing a comprehensive security solution. "
Wiwiek Juwono
Change Screen Saver in the Log On Screen
You already know how to change the Windows screen saver. The question, whether to change the screen saver will replace the desktop screen saver that is also on the welcome screen? Apparently not. The selected wallpaper will still use the standard Windows format.
In standard conditions, if it does not have a logon to the computer in 10 minutes, the screen will be replaced with the logon screen saver image Windows logo. Screen saver images can be replaced Windows logo.
Unfortunately the GUI is not available to change it easily. You must follow the following steps if you want to change the screen saver on the welcome screen.
1. Click Start, then type regedt32.exe.
2. Go to HKEY_USERS key sub-.DEFAULT-Control Panel-Desktop.
3. Look for String Value named ScreenSaveActive, make sure the value data of value 1.
4. Then search SCRNSAVE.EXE string value in the right-hand window.
5. Click to change the entry ganda value data.
6. In the standard conditions, SCRNSAVE.EXE value of this data logon.scr. Change the value of the data files screen savers, for example ssmyst.scr or a screen saver that you have.
7. Click OK, then close the Registry Editor and restart the PC.
Techniques Defrag
Step - step to defrak hard disk is as follows:
1. right-click on the left or click
2. Find the drive that will be in the defrag (eg drive c), right-click on the
3. click
4. then search the menu at the top of the
6. search that will drive the defrag (eg drive c), click
7. click on the bottom of the
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tips Annoying disrupted Mouse
From time to time might we did for the fun of it to the other person (the origin was not excessive:-) right). You could try tips along with to disrupt mouse available to your computer or the friend you. Disrupted here his intention, mouse this will move personally and was difficult to be controlled. For the other person that did not know possibly thought that mouse him was broken. Padahal……:-). To carry him out followed the step along with this:
1. Download file and the extract to sembarang the folder.
2. Undertook file system.exe with mengklik -.
3. Be finished.
Then to “menjinakkan” came back mouse this how is it going? His method was easy. Be enough to press the Esc switch available in the left corner upper.
Tips around Hint
Hint was the text that emerged during pointer mouse passed an object (bi SA take the form of button, form, list box, etc.). Defaultnya hint this appeared for 2.5 seconds. But with added few Delphi codes below this, you could replace this time, could be more fast or older. In place of old the appearance hint
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
1. begin
2. //default = 2500 ms = 2,5 detik
3. Application.HintHidePause := 10000 //10 detik;
4. end;
Made hint two lines:
Button1.Hint := 'Baris 1'#13#10'Baris 2';
Made Splash Screen
Splash screen was view that was seen by us the first time our time undertook an application. Splash screen this usually was put forward to reduce saturation user when the program still in the stage inizialization . To make splash screen this his method as follows:
1. Made previously form especially.
2. Added form that will be used as splash screen (from the File menu, chose New
Form). Give the name form this with Form Splash.
3. Add the Timer component (was located in tab Win32), gave the name with Main Timer. 4. Add the code along with in events on_time from this Timer component of :tm Main
Timer.Enabled := False;
5. From the Project menu, chose Options.
6. Move to tab Forms.
7. From the car part create forms will be seen two form. Choose Form that will be
used as splash screen and the clique of the switch “ > ” to move form splash
screen to the Available part forms.
8. If clicking OK.
9. Now from the View menu, chose Project Source. In the main program for
Only Put Forward Icon to Taskbar
Default taskbar will put forward caption and icon the application that was active (in the form of button). With tips along with this you could eliminate caption and only put forward icon him then. In this way you were still having space that was enough if at the time of that simultaneously you undertook many applications.Only Put Forward Icon to Taskbar
1. Undertook registry the editor, his method the clique of the Start switch - Run. Typed regedit then pressured OK.
2. Enter to key HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
3. To the right-hand panel searched string value MinWidth then the difference he thought became -255. If string value this was not yet available, you must make him by
means of mengklik right then chose New - String Value.
4. Be closed registry.