Thursday, July 9, 2009

Change Screen Saver in the Log On Screen

You already know how to change the Windows screen saver. The question, whether to change the screen saver will replace the desktop screen saver that is also on the welcome screen? Apparently not. The selected wallpaper will still use the standard Windows format.

In standard conditions, if it does not have a logon to the computer in 10 minutes, the screen will be replaced with the logon screen saver image Windows logo. Screen saver images can be replaced Windows logo.

Unfortunately the GUI is not available to change it easily. You must follow the following steps if you want to change the screen saver on the welcome screen.
1. Click Start, then type regedt32.exe.
2. Go to HKEY_USERS key sub-.DEFAULT-Control Panel-Desktop.
3. Look for String Value named ScreenSaveActive, make sure the value data of value 1.
4. Then search SCRNSAVE.EXE string value in the right-hand window.
5. Click to change the entry ganda value data.
6. In the standard conditions, SCRNSAVE.EXE value of this data logon.scr. Change the value of the data files screen savers, for example ssmyst.scr or a screen saver that you have.
7. Click OK, then close the Registry Editor and restart the PC.


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